Valerio Street Elementary School Home

Welcome to Valerio Street Elementary School!

A message from Ms. Vardoumian,

On behalf of the Valerio Elementary School staff, I welcome you to the 2023-2024 school year.  I hope you and your family have enjoyed the summer and found time to rest.  We look forward to a successful school year full of learning together with you and your children.
The staff at Valerio strives to promote a learning environment that focuses on academic excellence and outstanding citizenship. We expect all students to successfully meet grade-level standards in all academic areas and to demonstrate safe, respectful and responsible behavior. We believe in preparing all students to be successful adults by helping them become critical thinkers, problem solvers and life-long learners. 
 We look forward to continued growth and we are confident that with the partnership of parents we will help all students meet grade-level academic standards and perform at proficient and advanced levels.  Throughout the year parents will have the opportunity to participate in meetings and workshops that will provide practical ideas on how to help children be successful in school. 
 We also value the communication between home and school and encourage you to contact us when the need arises and always stay in touch with teachers to know about your child's studies, assignments, and assessments. We encourage you to follow us on social media to stay up to date about our school activities.
For families that are new to Valerio Street Elementary School, we want you to know that you are coming to a wonderful place to learn and grow! Valerio Street Elementary School has an incredible and caring staff and is the perfect place to do the most important work in the world! There is no other place to be!!!
We look forward to working together with you as partners to help your child experience a positive and successful year. Again, welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! 

News & Announcements


Aug 5

Kindergarten Bridge Program

Time: 9 AM – 12 PM

Aug 6

Kindergarten Bridge Program

Time: 9 AM – 12 PM

Aug 7

Kindergarten Bridge Program

Time: 9 AM – 12 PM

Aug 8

Kindergarten Zoom Orientation

Time: 9 AM – 10 AM

Sep 30


Our Mission

The Valerio School Community has a shared commitment to prepare life-long learners who are responsible contributors to society.
The Valerio Elementary School Community of students, parents, and staff will be responsible to motivate, engage, and enhance learning in a safe and supportive environment.
We will:
  - Challenge students to be critical thinkers and problem-solvers through rigorous instruction
  - Provide opportunities for students to explore and discover new ideas
  - Model a love for learning
  - Empower parents to support student learning
  - Actively engage students in their own education
  - Celebrate students’ successes!